Links to some of our favorite HEMA sites and resources.
The HEMA ALLIANCE (HEMAA) supports HEMA clubs and schools across the USA
Wiktenauer - a huge wiki collection of historical fencing manuals, translations, and educational pages -- perhaps the most important website in modern HEMA
YOUTUBE channels, and other VIDEOS worth watching
Back to the Source - An excellent long-form documentary on modern HEMA
Martin Fabian - Fun, well-made videos from brilliant fencer
Anton Kohutovic - Excellent videos from one of the top fencers today
Sword Carolina - One of the best schools in the US, with some of the best teachers
GHFS - One of the top HEMA schools in the world
Denver Historical Fencing Academy - A great new school in Denver with useful videos
Krieg School Denver - An excellent HEMA school that shares a large amount of tournaments footage
Longpoint - The top HEMA tournament in North America, their YT channel shares a huge amount of tournament footage
Nordic League - The largest competitive HEMA league in the world, with a wealth of excellent videos and tournament footage
GEAR manufacturers and suppliers (we highly recommend asking an instructor about what gear to buy before purchasing)
Gear Reviews
Resellers and Suppliers
Swords and Feders
Protective Gear​